Have you ever found yourself in the greeting card section at the store just before a major holiday? You will likely find yourself in a busy aisle jam-packed with people frantically searching for the best Valentine’s, Mother’s Day, or Father’s Day card.
Chances are, you will spend a lot of time trying to decide if a funny anniversary card is better than a sentimental one. Then, once you choose a type, you will sift through the selection, looking for the best message to fit the situation. After you’ve decided, you will likely realize that the selection process took longer than anticipated (and that you’re running behind on the rest of your grocery run).
It is times like this when digital greeting cards can make life a little more convenient.
What is a digital greeting card?
A digital greeting card is an electronic version of a traditional greeting card found at a grocery store. A digital greeting card is used to celebrate anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays. They also can be used to show appreciation to employees, say farewell, and comfort someone who is ill.
The two main differences between an ecard and a paper card are how they are sent and created. A digital greeting card is typically sent via email, social media, or other messaging services. However, many companies also provide the option to print.
The second difference is how they are created. This type of card is created online using various design programs. Because they are made virtually, there is a vast selection of cards and styles. Need a group signature card? There is a card for that. Need a particular themed card? Chances are, there is a card for that. Need a birthday card with a dog background? There’s definitely a card for that.
Because the card is digital, it allows more people to create unique cards instead of a handful of companies making a generic product for a wider audience.
Types of digital greeting cards to celebrate milestones and moments include:
- Birthday card
- Sympathy card
- Holiday card
- Wedding Card
- New year card
- Valentines day card
- Baby shower card
- Group card
What are the benefits of a digital greeting card?
You have probably received and sent many greeting cards. They have been and are a great way to celebrate with others. So why should you use a digital greeting card when a paper card has worked this long?
The biggest reason is that a virtual card provides flexibility. You will have more card options, be able to send it in more ways, and even create something yourself while staying in the comfort of your home. The benefits include:
- Select the perfect card from the comfort of your couch
- Greater variety of cards
- Quicker delivery
- Messages can be longer due to more allotted space
- Easy to download and print
- Cost-effective
- Saves time
- Can be delivered anywhere at no cost
- Less likely to be lost